Question of The Week

I have a COBRA participate that is turning 65 in May. Will her COBRA coverage end 4/30?

Becoming eligible for Medicare does not automatically end existing COBRA coverage…

I have a COBRA participate that is turning 65 in May. Will her COBRA coverage end 4/30, or can she stay on COBRA until the end of the 18 months and sign up for only Medicare Part A and B? At the end of the 18 months she would then add a Medicare Supplement.

Becoming eligible for Medicare does not automatically end existing COBRA coverage, and the individual can decide to stay on COBRA and delay Medicare enrollment until his or her COBRA runs out. Keep in mind that sometimes Medicare enrollment is automatic at age 65 without the individual actually signing up. This happens when the individual is already receiving Social Security or Railroad retirement or disability benefits.

If the individual decides to delay Medicare enrollment to stay on COBRA, there are consequences if she misses her initial Medicare enrollment period, such as having to wait until the next general enrollment period and paying higher premiums.

If the individual does sign up for Medicare Part A, B, or C while on COBRA, her COBRA coverage can be terminated so long as the plan permits early termination for this event and the plan provides a termination notice.

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