Dear HR Manager

Dear HR | Rolling Out The Red Carpet

Dear HR Manager,

I am excited to say we have identified a great candidate for a role on my team and will be extending a formal offer tomorrow. I want to show this candidate that we want them on our team and that they have a future in our organization. What recommendations do you have to communicate this to a new hire?

– Rolling out the Red Carpet

Dear Rolling out the Red Carpet,

In today’s hot job market, it is smart to think about what you can do to show energy, excitement, and support when extending an offer.

1.  Call to present the formal offer

Pick up the phone to make the delivery of this news personal. Tell them why you are so excited for them to join the team. Include growth opportunities and projects they will lead once on board.

2.  Include all relevant details in the offer package.

Try to anticipate the questions candidates will have as they consider an opportunity. In addition to salary, include any details that have a monetary value, such as the benefits summary plan document, employee healthcare contributions, retirement plan details, and paid time off policy.

3.  Ask peers and senior leaders to send congratulations.

People and culture are two big ticket items that candidates evaluate when joining a new company. An email, text, or phone call from a future colleague or leader goes a long way in creating connections.

4.  Invite to upcoming events.

Invite the new team member to any upcoming virtual or in-person social events. This pre-hire welcome shows that you value social connection as much as you do work networks.

These steps will aid you in creating a first-class offer experience. Best of luck!

– HR Manager

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