Dear HR Manager

Dear HR Manager | Workplace Guilt

Dear HR Manager,

Last week my company had layoffs and my team lost several members. The employees who remain are struggling. I don’t know what to do. How do I re-engage my team after this layoff?

– Workplace Guilt

Dear Workplace Guilt,

Layoffs are brutal for everyone involved. The remaining employees can feel lost even with a thoughtful layoff communication plan. They are grieving the loss of their colleagues and may experience all five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Leaders can support their team following a layoff in several ways:

  1. Check in regularly. Employees need to know you care about their wellbeing, especially during hard times. Sharing your own feelings can help them feel safe to voice their questions and concerns.
  2. Connect them with support. Employees may experience burnout, depression, or anxiety, and other mental health issues, following layoffs. Connect them with Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources.
  3. Ask for feedback. Changes in roles and responsibilities are often necessary after a layoff. Include your team as much as possible to give them some control.
  4. Overcommunicate. Transparency is vital during times of change. Continue to provide your team with as much information as possible.

With your support, your team can grow closer during this challenging time.

– HR Manager

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