Dear HR Manager

Dear HR Manager | Hindsight

I was promoted to management three months ago and have decided it was a mistake to accept this leadership role. I initially thought managing a team of salespeople was the next logical step in my career, but I miss being the person to make the sale. I enjoy the client interaction and the thrill of identifying new prospects. In hindsight, this is not the job I thought it would be. I want to return to my previous role and I feel stuck. What do I do now?

– Hindsight

Dear Hindsight,

Congratulations on your promotion! Your employer has recognized your skills and offered you an opportunity to take them to the next level. You have only been in this new role a short time, but the reality of the job doesn’t align with your expectations. Before you opt for a “do-over,” be sure you’ve given yourself a fair chance to settle in to your new responsibilities.

Try these tips to help change your perspective.

1. Seek management training.

In your new management role you’re being challenged to draw on a new skill set, but those skills need to be developed. Leadership training may give you the tools to bolster your skillset and boost your confidence and job satisfaction. A mentor may provide the guidance you need If formal training is not available.

2. Talk to your supervisor or HR Manager.

A conversation with your manager or HR is the best way to get coaching and uncover additional options. For example, is there flexibility to customize your role to use more of your strengths? Is it possible to step back into your previous position or a similar role on another team? What training opportunities are available?

3. Look for ways to use your sales skills.

You enjoy client prospecting and negotiating – now is your opportunity to use your experience to help your team develop and refine those skills. Can you serve as a mentor to newer team members? Can you use your negotiating skills to help your sales team achieve its goals?

If you decide that your current company doesn’t have a solution for you and you don’t see another alternative, you may want to consider options outside your organization. Take what you have learned about yourself and apply it to search for a job aligned with your strengths.

– HR Manager

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