Dear HR Manager

Dear HR | At a Loss for Words

Dear HR Manager,

My direct report recently applied for a senior-level position. He was excited about the opportunity and threw himself into preparing for interviews. There were a lot of strong candidates, and one of them was selected for the position. My direct report is a talented member of our team, and I want to support his future motivation and engagement. How can I share the news in a way that shows he is still a star employee with a bright future here?

– At a Loss for Words

Dear At a Loss for Words,

News like this can be challenging to share. I am impressed that you are thinking about employee retention before it leads to a star employee leaving the organization. Your goal is to have this employee understand that there will be new opportunities for him down the road.

The key to sharing this news is to pair it with development planning to show your investment in your team member. These steps can help you link the two.

1. Update on candidacy.

Set up a time to speak with your team member to let him know that there was a lot of interest in the position and another candidate was selected. Be direct in your delivery.

2. Share feedback.

While you can’t share information on other candidates, you can coach your team member on areas to develop or target in the future. This is also the time to share positive feedback from the interview!

3. Discuss development options.

Offer to help turn this situation into an opportunity for further development. When he is ready, partner with him to create a development plan that will both motivate him now and prepare him for the next promotion opportunity.

Your guidance and support will show this team member that he is an important part of the team in his current and future roles.– HR Manager

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