App Review | Try Dry – Dry January And Beyond

Try Dry® was created to support individuals who are abstaining from alcohol or want to experiment with the idea. It allows you to track drinking goals, complete quests, and earn badges to celebrate your success.

Google Play Store Average Rating

3.9 (668 reviews)


Users describe it as motivational and appreciate the ability to customize goals whether they are cutting back on drinking or abstaining. The expansive tracking feature includes dry days, units, calories, and money spent.


The app requires internet access so is not useful when offline. Reviewers would like to see a home screen progress widget. Complaints abound about a lack of options for measurement units. Some users report that the app is “glitchy” and their favorites are not saved.

 Is this app right for you?

You want to give sobriety a go or would like to try cutting down your alcoholic intake and are motivated by apps that use gamification for motivation.

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