Dependent Care FSA Contributions

Dependent Care FSA Contributions | Question of the Week

How to Avoid Exceeding the Maximum Limit | 1706 Advisors and UBA

Q. Can an employee stop their Dependent Care FSA contributions mid-year as they realized their spouse was contributing as well and they would reach the annual maximum before the end of the year?

A. Yes, the employee can stop dependent care elections mid-year to avoid exceeding the maximum limit. The IRS suggests that the employer obtain some documentation from the employee demonstrating that the spouse also elected to contribute to their DCFSA and that the mid-year change is needed to avoid contributing more than permitted. Note that employers do not have to permit employees to change their elections, but most do.

Answers to the Question of the Week are provided by Kutak Rock.


It is important to know the minimum and maximum Dependent Care FSA contribution limits. These limits are subject to change each year, so it is vital to relay these limits to employees. This can be especially important for employees with a spouse who is also contributing.

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