Maryland Health Plan Trends 2023

Maryland 2023 | Size And Industry State Report

Overview of Maryland’s Health Plan Landscape

This section will outline the current health plan preferences among Maryland employers, noting the unique tilt towards HMO/EPO plans over the PPO plans that dominate nationally.

Maryland’s Health Plan Cost Analysis

Delve into a cost comparison of Maryland’s health plans, which showcases that while they are above the national averages, they remain competitive within the region, a key factor for employers when considering their benefits offerings.

Employer Contributions in Maryland’s Health Plans

Investigate how Maryland employers contribute to health plan premiums, with a focus on the higher contributions towards family coverage made by larger employers—a crucial consideration for employee satisfaction and retention.

Deductibles and Out-of-Pocket Trends

Examine the median deductibles and out-of-pocket costs set by Maryland employers, offering an insight into how these figures compare to national and regional medians and what this means for plan selection.

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